Metta Heart

A Message from Metta Heart

A Message from Metta Heart
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"The is no time like spring when life's alive in everything."
                                      ~ Christina Georgina Rossetti
From our hearts to yours:

Spring 2008, Buddhist year 3035

For the major religions, the spring season marks many significant religious holidays. In the Buddhist tradition, the birthday of Śākyamuni Buddha and Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva or Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa, the Enlightened Being embodying kindness and compassion both take place in the spring. In Christianity, spring marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and in the Muslim faith the Prophet Mohammed was also born in the spring. As for the secular world, two very special days, Father and Mother’s Day also fall on this propitious season. And one of the greatest mothers of all, our Mother Earth, has a day in her honor, Earth Day, in the spring.


In the wake of such auspicious ambiance marks the birth and formation of Metta Heart. Metta Heart is conceived in the hearts and minds of those of us who wish to emulate the Bodhisattva Path and follow the wisdom teachings of the sages using the mind of Great Compassion. In doing so, we would like to pay our utmost respect and reverence to the lofty cultivators and altruistic luminaries of past and present transcending religious boundaries who have inspired and served as exemplary models for us to learn from. Mindful of the compassionate teachings of these benevolent teachers, we at Metta Heart pledge to bring forth an ecumenical mind of serving without borders, helping people regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, or religious beliefs.

In addition, we would like to express our deep gratitude to our Sangha Teachers, our family members, mentors, friends and acquaintances who have contributed their valuable time, much appreciated efforts, moral and financial support, encouragement and firm belief in our work which enable us to form
Metta Heart. We are still in our infancy stage and we would very much welcome any comments and feedback from our visitors. We invite you to check back with us periodcially as we update our site with events when they develop. Like the blossoming of the flowers, in particular the lotus, we hope that Metta Heart would blossom into something beneficial to the world and awaken the true beauty that is the human spirit in all of us. 

May the heart of loving-kindness radiate from each one of us to illumine the world, especially in these trying times of political unrest and environmental crisis.

~ In metta,

   Metta Heart 


  Just as the lotus blossom is not sullied by water

  And the sun and moon do not halt in space

  All the sufferings of the evil destinies are


  To equally bestow happiness upon all living



  Universal Worthy (Samantabhadra)

  Bodhisattva Chapter on Conduct and Vows

                                                         ~Avatamsaka Sutra

With this body of yours, you ought to do some work

and make a contribution to the world.

~Venerable Master Hua

Let us touch the poor, the lonely and the unwanted
according to the graces
we have received and let us
not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.

~Mother Teresa