Metta Heart

About Us

A Message from Metta Heart
About Us
Metta for Burma
Photos of Metta Homes
Photos of the water wells
Past Events
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Refrain from all evil, cultivate all good.

Metta Heart is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit organization operated under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).

Who We Are

We are a group of Vietnamese, Chinese Asian Americans living in the Bay Area. We feel doubly blessed having stable lives replete with material comforts and also spiritually nurtured by the sweet dew of the Buddha-Dharma.

In gratitude, we wish to share our good blessings with the people who are in need; we want to make good use of this transitory human body to contribute genuine goodness to society and make this world a better place.

 What We Do

Metta  in the ancient language of Pali means “loving kindness”, an altruistic wish for the well-being and happiness of all sentient beings.


In this spirit, we strive to apply the Buddha’s teaching of universal compassion and loving kindness in our lives and extend these noble values to reach and transform the lives of the people we touch.


In setting up this charity we hope to bring forth the heart of giving and kindness to foster a sense of kindred spirit among all peoples of the world. Simultaneously we also endeavor to impart the Buddha’s ancient wisdom by sponsoring the printing of Buddhist scriptures for free distribution to act as spiritual nourishment and a place of anchor for all of us who are adrift in this chaotic modern world.


It is our hope that anyone who comes to know of us will be moved by our sincerity and dedication and be inspired to join our work to enrich the lives of our fellow beings and contribute our humble efforts for the betterment of humanity.

Projects We Support

·       We support orphans and the physically challenged, relief of the poor, and the under-privileged. We provide financial aid to those who are stricken by natural disasters and those who are in need of medical treatment.

·       We strive to improve the quality of life in rural areas by providing financial support for digging wells, constructing bridges and building shelters where needed.

·        We provide financial aid and supplies for schools in remote regions.

·        We support temples in isolated areas, printing Buddhist scriptures for free distribution.

·       We also support other local not-for-profit organizations in the USA.


  Our Guiding Principles


·       Metta Heart is established as a not-for-profit organization, and we are committed to ensuring that your donations go directly to the recipients and projects you specify. All administrative costs and traveling expenses are individually sponsored.

·        We operate on a volunteer basis; members are not financially compensated for their work and adhere to a strict code of ethical conduct emphasizing accountability to our donors and recipients.

·        We treat the people we help with compassion, empathy and respect not only bringing material comfort to ease their hardship but also a sense of worthiness, hope, security and dignity to their lives.

Teach this triple truth to all:

A generous heart, kind speech,

and a life of service and compassion

are the things which renew humanity.

  ~ Buddha